Frequently Asked Questions

sci team

It all started when...

We saw unachieved potentials and shattered dreams as these children we have developed a relationship with had to drop out of school due to their lack of financial resources.


1. What is covered in my child sponsorship?

When you sponsor a child, the child will get a formal education that covers school fees, clothing and supplies, a mentor, a tutoring program, and be exposed to other social skill sets training. Our aim is to tackle the hopelessness instilled by the community through the power of positive role-modeling and education.

2. what i can expect from my sponsored child? 

You will get a child package once you've decided on sponsoring a kid to school. Half year reports of school accomplishment and child's development will also be sent to you from our ground team. Your child will write to you at least twice a year.  We encourage you to send letters to your sponsored kid to develop a supportive relationship. We will notify you of special dates such as birthdays so you can be a part of your kid's lives.  

3. will I be the only person sponsoring the child I'm helping?

Yes. That's why the letters you send to encourage or pray for the kid will mean a lot.  In the case when situations change and you decide to stop your sponsorship, we will immediately look for another sponsor for the child.

4. Will I be able to visit my sponsored child?

Yes. We would need you to notify us 1-2 months beforehand so we can process your request and accommodate your travel.